Kangaroo Rat

Kangaroo rat is a xerocoles rodent which means it has adapted itself to live in desert areas. In desert areas the temperature is too high and their is lack of availability of water. In order to stay cool kangaroo rats stay in their burrow beneath the sand or soft soil of desert during day time and come out at night. Kangaroo rats don't sweat or pant like other animals to conserve water and to keep themselves cool.

Their front legs are much smaller but their hind legs are longer and stronger which helps them to jump up to 9 feet (2.7m) in one jump to escape from predators. The kangaroo rat gets its name as it moves in a bipedal fashion – hopping along on their hind legs like a kangaroo.

The shocking fact about this rat is that they can live their whole life without drinking water. They get sufficient moisture from their seed diet. Kangaroo rat will die if we give them water to drink due to excess fluid in their body. Kangaroo rats have pouches in their cheeks, but not for carrying their babies, instead they use to carry food back to their burrow. They have excellent hearing capacity. They can detect the silent sound of an owl approaching.


1. Xerocoles: Animals which are adapted to live in deserts.

2. Rodent: A small mammal with large, sharp front teeth.

3. Pant: To breathe quickly.

4. Burrow: A hole dug by a small animal.

5. Bipedal: Using only two legs for walking.