Adaptation in camels

Camel is a xerocoles animal adapted to the desert conditions. It can tolerate wide range of temperature fluctuations. It excretes concentrated urine (urine with less amount of water) in order to conserve water. Camel can even close its nostrils to stop blowing sand from entering nostrils. Their flat and wide feet helps them to walk easily over the sand.

The shocking fact about camel is that, they can drink 100 liters of water in a short time of 10 minutes. They have long eye-lashes that protect their eye from sand dunes / strong winds.


1. Xerocoles: Animals which are adapted to live in deserts.

2. Nostril: Opening of the nose.

3. Dune: A dune is a mound of sand this is formed by the wind, usually along the beach or in a desert.